Recent and Upcoming Events

I am honored to be a part of FOR THE LIVING, a powerful documentary about dehumanization and genocide. Watch the trailer here. FOR THE LIVING will premier at the Newport Beach Film Festival, on Sunday, October 20th to be followed by the Twin Cities Film Festival (October 26th), the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival (November 10th) and the Miami Jewish Film Festival (January, 2025).
Kate Manne and I have been jointly awarded the 2024 Dr. Martin R. Lebowitz and Eve Lewellis Lebowitz Prize for Philosophical Achievement and Contribution. Join us at the annual meeting of the Pacific division of the American Philosophical Association for our joint presentation.
"When you deal with 'monsters', there is no mercy and no rules: the task is to destroy them. I'm afraid this is what we see in the exterminationist rhetoric in the Middle East."​​​​​​​​ Read my interview on Gaza in BBC World Service.
