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Book Chapters
“‘Human’” is an essentially political category,” in Experimental Philosophy of Identity and the Self (Advances in Experimental Philosophy), Kevin Tobia, James R. Beebe, et. al. (eds). London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2022.

“Selection for oppression: where evolutionary biology meets political philosophy,” in Filosofía posdarwiniana Enfoques actuales sobre la intersección entre análisis epistemológico y naturalismo filosófico, Rodrigo López-Orellana & E. Joaquín Suárez-Ruíz (eds.). London: College Publications, 2021. 

"Dehumanization: the problem of humanity and the problem of monstrosity," In Kronfeldner, M. E. (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Dehumanization. London: Routledge, 2021.

"David Livingstone Smith on dehumanization," in Cherry, M. Unmute: Conversations on Prejudice, Oppression and Social Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
"How media makes, ignites, and breaks ideology," in Fox, C. and Sanders, J. (eds.) Media Ethics, Free Speech, and the Requirements of Democracy. London: Routledge, 2018.
"Manufacturing monsters: dehumanization and public policy," in D. Boonin (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy. New York: Palgrave, 2018.​
"Naturalism," in A. Rosenberg & L. McIntyre (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Social Science.  New York: Routledge, 2017.
"Aping the human essence: simianization as dehumanization," (with Ioana Panaitiu). In Wulf D. Hund and Charles W. Mills and Silvia Sebastiani (eds.), Racism Analysis Yearbook, Vol 6: Apes, Gender, Class, and Race. Berlin: Lit Verlag [2016].
"Some conceptual deficits of psychological models of dehumanization," Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 4, 2023.

"The trouble with race and its many shades of deceit," (with Subrena Smith). New Lines, March 29, 2023.

"Book symposium on Making Monsters: The Uncanny Power of Dehumanization," Analysis, 83(4): 757-800. 

"Challenge 8: a response to Over," Perspectives on Psychological Science, 16(1), 2021.

"Thus spoke Jordan Peterson," (with John Kaag), Foreign Policy (April 2018).
"Why we love tyrants," Aeon (February 2018).
"Freud the Philosopher," Aeon (August 2017).
"A theory of creepiness," Aeon (September 2016).
"Paradoxes of dehumanization," Social Theory and Practice 42(2): 416-433.
"The essence of evil," Aeon (October 24, 2014).
"Horror sanguinis," (with Ioana Panaitiu), Common Knowledge 22(1): 69-80 [2015].
"Dehumanization, essentialism, and moral psychology," Philosophy Compass 9(11): 814-824 [2014].
"Form and function in self-deception: a biological model," Sistemi Intelligenti , 3: 565-580 [2013].
"Self-deception: a teleofunctional approach," Philosophia, 42(1):181-199 [2013].
Blogs and Op-Eds
"Trump's politics are the politics of illusion," Portland Press Herald, June 24, 2024.

"Putin invokes demons to justify war against Ukraine," Portland Press Herald, April 16, 2022.

"The dehumanizing imagination," The Junkyard, November 3, 2021.
Monthly blogger for Philosophy Talk from 2016 to 2020.  My monthly essays can be found here.
My 12 postings for the Psychology Today blog can be found here.
"Srebreniza and Black lives matter," Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives, July 30, 2020.
"Donald Trump, dangerous speech, and the legacy of white supremacist terrorism," The Dangerous Speech Project, August 23, 2016.​
"Fighting hate is a losing battle," Boston Globe, August 29, 2017
"Sadly, hate and bigotry do reflect American values," Philadelphia Inquirer, August 14, 2017.
"Disability as metaphysical threat," Discrimination and Disadvantage blog, 2017.​
"Thinking about ideology," Blog of the American Philosophical Association, March 30, 2017.
Interview, Blog of the American Philosophical Association, December 16, 2016.​ 
"How Trump sells salvation," New York Daily News, Feb. 24 2016.

"We must confront our race delusion," Portland Press Herald, June 28, 2015.

Interviews and Mentions
Interview, Why Philosophy? substack newsletter, January 8, 2024.

Expresso (Portugal), “What analysts didn't know before the war started and what may still surprise: from China to the mass extermination narrative” by Catarina Maldonado Vasconcelos, October 10, 2022.

The Guardian, “DeSantis’s actions on migrants are ‘mini-ethnic cleansing’, expert warns,” by Stephanie Kirchgaessner, Sep 19, 2022.

, Bill Marx, The Arts Fuse, November 11, 2021.

"Trump's dangerous dehumanization of the 'other'," Kathleen Parker, Washington Post, August 14, 2018.
"‘Like a dog’: Trump has a long history of using canine insults to dehumanize enemies," Phillip Rucker, Washington Post, August 14, 2018​.
"Ecology reminds us that we're all connected," Marina Schauffler, Maine Sunday Telegram, May 8, 2018.
"Why calling Donald Trump an 'animal' doesn't fix anything," Katy SteinmetzTime Magazine, May 19, 2018.
"Trump and the risks of digital hate," Issie Lapowsky, Wired, Dec 2, 2017.​
"The root of all cruelty?" Paul Bloom, New Yorker, Nov. 20, 2017.
"The race delusion: lies that divide us," Robert Benz, HuffPost, May 31, 2016.
"Inside the Trump machine: the bizarre psychology of America's newest political movement," Gwynn Guilford, Quartz, April 1, 2016.

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